Hello there kindest soul,
I'm not sure how I could possibly write about someone I've never met, who's existence I am currently unaware of. I could try to guess your age, your favorite color, or whats keeping you up at night, but I could bet money on the possibility that I'm probably wrong. I could write about your favorite get away place, the spot you're left running to when you're a mess. Yet, I don't know where you are as of now. I could try to guess who your best friend is, and what they do to make you laugh. As of now though, I've got nothing. Then again, your favorite color could be the same as mine. Maybe we live int he same city, and maybe we've got more in common than I thought. That I'm not sure of, but, there's one thing I am absolutely positive about. You are a human being, therefore you are beautiful, and I could learn to love you.
Yours truly, another living, breathing, human being.