the more they say, the more it feels like, and with you in my mind, its not that hard to believe thats where I am, only a place to where we know, and to never escape into reality, but plunge into fantasy.
Everything written in this blog is explicit by the way being straight from the mind, transferred through words. I felt that people don't really know the other side of me. I'm not always the usual fun and games, I also get down to business with literature being one of my guilty pleasures. My opinions are blunt. I don't share my point of view too often, if you ask me politely though I'll surely answer you with ease. Truthfully, there's only a handful of people who I can actually sit down with and have a legitimate conversation with. No, not about mama drama junk, but the real life situations. Like, politics or what is up with the "whadupp" kinda stuff. I get down with the get down. I speak my mind. Get at me. Thank You.