Monday, June 7, 2010

Letter Four: Sibling

Dearest buttsauce brother,
Like they say, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. I must say, you're a crazy child, but you're intelligent nonetheless. You can always make me laugh, even though you have no idea how bad I'm feeling inside. We talk about everything, and I love how you say "This is gonna be awkward", but I say just go for it. And I appreciate you standing up for me when it comes to Mom and Dad. Then again, you get on my nerves just as much. Sometimes you can be such a complete asshole. Seriously. But I love you nonetheless. I'm glad we've gotten closer since the olden days, because now we can talk about it all, and feel free to always come to me for advice with your girls, you frickn pimp. I'm sure that's what they call you nowadays. You're a cool cat, but you need to learn how to control your anger sometimes. It hurts. Physically, lmao, you've left me bruises. And now, lets go beast on some weenies, yeah?
Love, fatty.