Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m almost seventeen years old. I’m ranked ninth in my class. I’ve always taken honors and advanced classes and maintained an A average. Everyone likes me at school. I have a solid reputation. I’m pretty. I’m funny. I’m going places with my life. The question remains, why can’t you get yourselves to trust me? To believe me? Why are you so over protective? I cant thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me up until this point, and I wouldn’t want to jinx anything. But guess what? You’ve done it. You have to learn to let go. Let me grow up. I’m not that little girl anymore. You’ve done an amazing job raising me, but it’s time to move on. I won’t screw up, I promise you that. After all, you’ve put a great head upon my shoulders, and I’ve proven to you that I’m capable of functioning in the real world. Can you please just let me be independent? You have to realize that yes, hiding me inside a box my whole life will keep me safe and free of danger, but letting me go won’t necessarily render me wild and reckless. Believe me, there is always a happy medium. I won’t let you down. I love you guys, but you need to let me go.
Love always, your daughter.